Names of 70 of the officers and men are
set out below. Please email me know if there are any discrepancies or
of you can add further names !
BACK ROW 4.Mowbray
16.Travia 18.Bostock 20. Bram 25 Hannaford 28.Howells
33.Lomax?34.Precious 35.Masson 36.Bentham37.Webber 41.Brunsdon
ROW B 3. Austrian 7.
Hunt 9.Pratt 13.Middleton15.Burton 21.Prosser? 24.Ward 25.Brock 26.Bygrave? 31.Nuttall
35.Searles 38.Dunkley 39.Rowlinson 40.Graham 43.Egerton 44.Rosser 45 Holland
ROW C 1. Easton ? 3.Coffey 9. Doherty 18. Brash 19.
Thomas 21. Plucknett 23. Fletcher 24. Barlow 25. Maver 26. Laws? 29.Ogbourne 36.Anderson 37. Breese 40.Wilson
41.Johnson 42.Wooltorton
ROW D 2. Watts 7. Brown 10.Long 11.Wilson 12. Smith 15. Carre
16. Carrol 19. Dodds 22. Jarrold 28. Martin 33. Charles 34. Fotheringham 35. McKay 37. Hibbert 40, Bloom 42.Parsons
FRONT ROW 1 Donnelly 4.SgtWebb 8. Sgt Latz 9. Sgt Dobson
10. Sgt Christon 13. CSM "Bill"Bailey(Canada) 14. RSM "Paddy"Caughey 15. Capt Lloyd 16. Lt Rampton
17 LtReynolds 18. Lt "Chippy" Robinson 19. MO Capt Stewart 20. Capt Riley 21 Capt Stern PRI 22.Maj Pat Street MC
23. Capt Pengelly 24. Lt Bennett 26. Lt "Dickie" Rowe 27. Lt Vasto 33.SgtAyres37.Sgt Pritchard 39"Dapper" Smart
As this photo is so wide it is impossible to identify
individual members. To display an enlarged
picture please click on one of the
Pegasus thumbnails then click on View
followed by Full Screen
17 DECEMBER 2016